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Dive deeper into blue planet exploration with advanced dive skills and specialty scuba certifications. Whether you want to expand your dive knowledge or experience a new scuba specialty, our courses will prepare you for underwater adventure.

Advanced Open Water Diver
インストラクターと一緒に新しい冒険を体験してください。 スキルを向上させたい初心者ダイバー向けにデザインされています。
Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver
ナイトロックスは、スクーバ認定からより多くのものを得るのに役立ちます。 わずか1日でナイトロックス認定を取得します。
ナイト・ダイバー(Night Diver)
Dive Against Debris
Pay the ocean forward by helping clean it up on your next dive. Learn about the problems of marine debris, conducting Dive Against Debris surveys, and how divers are a part of the solution to keeping our oceans clean.







ドライスーツ・ダイバー(Drysuit Diver)
アイス・ダイバー(Ice Diver)
アイス・ダイビングは最も冒険的なスクーバ・スペシャルティのひとつです。 役割、サポート担当者の責任、提案、安全なダイバーについて学びます。 他の人が経験したことのない美しさをご覧ください。
ナイト・ダイバー(Night Diver)
カバーン・ダイバー(Cavern Diver)



デジタル・アンダーウォーター・フォトグラファー(Digital Underwater Photographer)
アンダーウォーター・ビデオグラファー(Underwater Videographer)
ビデオグラファーとしての水中世界の光景、音、そしてダイナミックな動きを捉えましょう。 基本をカバーして、何度も何度も見てみる価値のある面白い、ビデオを作成してください。
この短い体験は、限られた水域での基本的なテクニカル ダイビングのスキルと手順をダイバーに紹介することを目的としています。Discover Tec は、Tec Basics および Tec 40 Diver コースの単位として認められます。

Learn more about freediving or check out the available courses.


Learn more about tec diving or check out the available courses.


Join the Advanced Open Water Diver Challenge

Win a Specialty Diver Course & Fourth Element Gear Pack

From 1-31 March, 2025, complete the entry form below to earn 1 entry to the contest. Then, increase your chances of winning the Grand Prize* by completing the Advanced Open Water Diver course or joining PADI Club before April 30, 2025.

Good Luck, Divers!

More Information

Your questions, answered


*Advanced Open Water Diver Challenge Terms & Conditions
  • Entries Accepted: 1 March to 31 March 2025
  • Contest Period: 1 March to 30 April 2025
    • Participants may fill in the initial entry form on this webpage between 1 March and 31 March 2025. Entrants have until 30 April 2025 to earn additional entries by completing an Advanced Open Water Diver course or joining PADI Club.
  • The Grand Prize Winner will be awarded a PADI Specialty Diver course of their choice and a Fourth Element prize pack with a:
    • Wetsuit
    • Fins
    • Mask
    • Snorkel
    • Gear bag
  • The Second and Third Place Prize Winners will receive one recreational PADI eLearning course of their choice.
  • Participants are entered into the contest by:
    • Signing up using the form on this page and submitting a short story about “Why do you want to be a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver” for one entry to win.
    • Participants will received additional contest entries upon completion of the following:
      • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification – 10 entries
      • PADI Club member enrollment – 5 entries

For the full contest terms and conditions, click on one of the options below:

**Advanced Open Water Diver Challenge 10% Off eLearning

PADI is offering 10% off online sales of select PADI eLearning courses on PADI.com. Valid 1 per customer. Code expires 30 days from email sign-up date.

Does a PADI scuba certification expire?

Your PADI certification does not expire. Enrolling in PADI’s scuba refresher course (ReActivate) is recommended if you haven’t been diving in awhile, but not mandatory. Dive shops appreciate seeing a recent ReActivated date on your certification card because it means you’re ready to dive in. 

Learning at home vs. on vacation

Advanced Open Water, Rescue Diver and more than a dozen of PADI’s most popular specialty courses are available online. You can start your training at home and finish with a dive shop near you, or on vacation. The choice is up to you.

Earning a certification while traveling is a great way to have an authentic local diving experience. Ask the local dive center or resort what their destination is known for (drift, wreck, night, etc.) and if they offer any distinctive specialties.

Or, show your support for your local diving community by earning a certification close to home.  Learn about your local ecosystems by taking an Underwater Naturalist or Fish Identification course, or prepare for your next trip by taking PADI’s most popular specialty - Enriched Air Nitrox

I don't feel ready to take Advanced Open Water...

More than 75 percent of new divers say they want to improve their scuba skills by taking additional classes, but fewer than 40 percent ever do so. When asked why, many say, “I didn’t feel ready.”

What these divers don’t realize is, the Advanced Open Water Diver course is designed to help new divers improve their skills and build confidence. In this course, you’ll get better at the skills you learned in your Open Water Diver course as you try new diving experiences (photography, wreck diving, etc.) with a helpful instructor by your side. If the word “advanced” seems intimidating, think of it as a specialty course sampler instead. 

Speaking of specialties, many new divers get a lot out of the Peak Performance Buoyancy class and the Underwater Navigator course. You could try one or both of these specialties first, and earn credit towards your Advanced Open Water certification along the way. Ask your PADI Instructor for more information.

What is PADI ReActivate?

Any certified diver who would like to refresh their scuba skills before enrolling in a class or taking a dive trip should ReActivate. The online program is completely personalized. You’ll move quickly through familiar concepts you understand well and dive deeper into things you may have forgotten. 

After reviewing scuba fundamentals online, schedule an in-water session with a PADI Professional who will help you brush up your underwater skills and answer any questions you have. Divers who complete both the online knowledge review and in-water skill refresher receive a replacement certification card with a ReActivated date on it.

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