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This course helps you appreciate the complexity of coral reef habitats and teaches how you can help conserve these vital systems.
Everyone likes to scuba dive or snorkel in warm, clear water on a vibrant coral reef, yet many people know little about what they're seeing or the importance of reef ecosystems. The Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course helps you appreciate the complexity of these habitats and teaches you how you can help conserve these vital systems.
Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world can take this course. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions and no water sessions are required to earn this non-diving certification.
Through classroom discussions, you learn:
For over 50 years, PADI has undeniably been the Way the World Learns to Dive®, setting the standard for the highest quality dive training, underwater safety and conservation initiatives while evolving the sport of diving into a passionate lifestyle.
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PADI Professional members worldwide
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* PADI is offering a 10% discount on online sales of select PADI eLearning courses sold on PADI.com. Valid 1 per customer. Code expires 30 days from email sign-up date.
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