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Working divers, such as public safety divers, use full face masks because they protect the eyes and nose from contaminants in the water, provide comfort in cold water, and allow for communication. If you're interested public safety diving, scientific diving, or venturing into extremely cold-water, then learning to dive with a full face mask is definitely for you. Because full face masks allow you to breathe from your nose, they are also beneficial for those who have difficulty using standard scuba masks. Diving with a full face mask offers a different experience and that alone may be reason to give it a try.
You need to be a PADI Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old to enroll in the Full Face Mask Diver course.
Visit your local PADI Dive Center and Resort to enroll in the course, and schedule the first class session with your PADI Instructor.
There are several different types of full face masks, so you begin learning about varying mask features and components. Next, you learn techniques for preparing and diving with a full face mask as well as proper maintenance. During a confined water dive, you get comfortable using your mask and practice skills in preparation for your open water dives. In open water, during two dives, you'll demonstrate your ability to:
Get credit! The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification—ask your instructor about earning credit.
Besides your basic scuba equipment, you'll need a full face mask that fits you and works with a regulator. You also need to have an alternate air source. Your PADI Instructor or local dive center staff will suggest other gear as appropriate, such as a dry suit if diving in cold water.
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* PADI is offering a 10% discount on online sales of select PADI eLearning courses sold on PADI.com. Valid 1 per customer. Code expires 30 days from email sign-up date.
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