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Dive deeper into blue planet exploration with advanced dive skills and specialty scuba certifications. Whether you want to expand your dive knowledge or experience a new scuba specialty, our courses will prepare you for underwater adventure.

Learn more about PADI Specialty courses

Advanced Open Water Diver(어드밴스드 오픈 워터 다이버)
옆에 있는 강사와 함께 새로운 모험을 경험해 보세요. 자신의 스킬을 향상하고자 하는 초보 다이버들을 위해 만들어졌습니다.
Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver
나이트록스는 스쿠버 인증에서 가장 많은 혜택을 얻을 수 있게 도와줍니다. 하루 만에 받을 수 있는 나이트록스 인증 코스를 지금 바로 시작하세요.
나이트 다이버
해가 지고 난 후에 수중 세계를 완전히 새로운 빛으로 보세요.
Dive Against Debris(다이브 어게인스트 데브리스)
다음 다이빙에서 바다를 청소하는 데 도움을 주어, 바다를 앞으로 나아가게 하십시오. 해양 쓰레기의 문제에 대해, Dive Against Debris 설문 조사 실행하기, 그리고 다이버들이 어떻게 우리의 바다를 깨끗하게 유지하기 위한 해결책의 일부인지에 대한 방법을 알아보세요.







드라이 슈트 다이버
Want to dive more places, more often? Learn drysuit diving.
아이스 다이버
아이스 다이빙은 가장 모험적인 스페셜티 중 하나입니다. 지원 인력, 텐더, 안전 다이버의 역할과 책임감에 대해 배우십시오. 소수의 다이버들만이 보아온 아름다운 세계를 경험하십시오.
나이트 다이버
해가 지고 난 후에 수중 세계를 완전히 새로운 빛으로 보세요.
캐번 다이버
캐번을 올바르고 안전하게 탐험할 수 있는 지식과 스킬을 배워 보세요. 이 코스는 충분히 모험을 즐기도록 안내하고, 개방 수역에서 쉽게 출수할 수 있도록 빛이 들어오는 영역에서 머무릅니다.



디지털 언더워터 포토그래퍼
여러분이 자랑스럽게 여길 수 있는 수중 사진들을 찍고 다른 이들과 공유하세요. 모든 종류의 다양한 카메라를 사용할 때도 적용할 수 있는 전문가의 팁들을 배워 보세요.
Underwater Videographer
비디오그래퍼로서 수중 세계의 광경, 소리 및 역동적인 움직임을 포착하세요. 기본적인 내용을 다루고 반복해서 볼 가치가 있는 흥미롭고 재미있는 비디오를 만드세요.
셀프-릴라이언트 다이버
버디와 함께 다이빙하는 것이 보통이지만, 경험이 많은 다이버에게 있어서 다이빙을 하는 동안 자립심과 독립심을 개발해야 하는 다양한 이유들이 있기 마련입니다. Learning to carry out dives without a partner can make you a stronger diver in most dive situations.
피쉬 아이덴티피케이션
물고기 종과 그 특징을 인식하고 식별할 수 있을 때 다이빙은 더욱 즐기게 됩니다.
다스커버 테크니컬 다이빙
이 짧은 경험은 제한된 수역 환경에서 다이버들에게 기본적인 테크니컬 다이빙 스킬과 절차를 소개하기 위해 디자인되었습니다. 디스커버 Tec은 Tec 베이직 및 Tec 40 다이버 코스에 대한 크레딧을 인정받을 수도 있습니다.
디스커버 로컬 다이빙
Have an experienced dive professional help you understand a local dive environment so you can better enjoy the dive adventure.

Learn more about freediving or check out the available courses.


Learn more about tec diving or check out the available courses.


Join the PADI Master Scuba Diver Challenge

Reach the peak of recreational scuba diving! 

Become part of an elite circle as a PADI Master Scuba Diver™ – a rating fewer than 2% of divers achieve.

Through December 31, 2024, join divers worldwide in taking on the Master Scuba Diver Challenge. With every qualifying PADI course completed by the end of the year, you can increase your chances of winning a dream dive getaway for two to the Maldives!* 

To get started and receive one entry to the contest, complete steps one and two.

diving for deeper connections

Diving is More Fun Together

Open the door to adventure for your family and friends. Share everything they need to know about becoming PADI® Open Water Diver-or gift the eLearning course to them! Live Unfiltered.

More Information

Your questions, answered


*Master Scuba Diver Challenge Terms & Conditions
  • Contest Period: 1 July to 31 December 2024
  • The Grand Prize Winner will be awarded a dive trip of a lifetime to the Maldives for two, including:
  • The Second and Third Place Prize Winners will receive one recreational PADI eLearning course of their choice.
  • Participants are entered into the contest by:
    • Signing up using the form on this page, including writing a short story on the topic “Why do you want to be a PADI Master Scuba Diver?”, for one entry to win.
    • For every PADI course/rating/membership completed within the Contest Period, the participant will receive the following number of additional entries to the contest:
      • PADI Master Scuba Diver rating – 10 entries
      • PADI Rescue Diver certification – 5 entries
      • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification – 3 entries
      • PADI Specialty Diver certification – 2 entries
      • PADI Open Water Diver certification – 1 entry
      • PADI Club member – 5 entries

For the full contest terms and conditions, click on one of the options below.

**Master Scuba Diver Challenge 10% off eLearning

PADI is offering a 10% discount on online sales of select PADI eLearning courses sold on PADI.com. Valid 1 per customer. Code expires 30 days from email sign-up date.

Does a PADI scuba certification expire?

Your PADI certification does not expire. Enrolling in PADI’s scuba refresher course (ReActivate) is recommended if you haven’t been diving in awhile, but not mandatory. Dive shops appreciate seeing a recent ReActivated date on your certification card because it means you’re ready to dive in. 

Learning at home vs. on vacation

Advanced Open Water, Rescue Diver and more than a dozen of PADI’s most popular specialty courses are available online. You can start your training at home and finish with a dive shop near you, or on vacation. The choice is up to you.

Earning a certification while traveling is a great way to have an authentic local diving experience. Ask the local dive center or resort what their destination is known for (drift, wreck, night, etc.) and if they offer any distinctive specialties.

Or, show your support for your local diving community by earning a certification close to home.  Learn about your local ecosystems by taking an Underwater Naturalist or Fish Identification course, or prepare for your next trip by taking PADI’s most popular specialty - Enriched Air Nitrox

I don't feel ready to take Advanced Open Water...

More than 75 percent of new divers say they want to improve their scuba skills by taking additional classes, but fewer than 40 percent ever do so. When asked why, many say, “I didn’t feel ready.”

What these divers don’t realize is, the Advanced Open Water Diver course is designed to help new divers improve their skills and build confidence. In this course, you’ll get better at the skills you learned in your Open Water Diver course as you try new diving experiences (photography, wreck diving, etc.) with a helpful instructor by your side. If the word “advanced” seems intimidating, think of it as a specialty course sampler instead. 

Speaking of specialties, many new divers get a lot out of the Peak Performance Buoyancy class and the Underwater Navigator course. You could try one or both of these specialties first, and earn credit towards your Advanced Open Water certification along the way. Ask your PADI Instructor for more information.

What is PADI ReActivate?

Any certified diver who would like to refresh their scuba skills before enrolling in a class or taking a dive trip should ReActivate. The online program is completely personalized. You’ll move quickly through familiar concepts you understand well and dive deeper into things you may have forgotten. 

After reviewing scuba fundamentals online, schedule an in-water session with a PADI Professional who will help you brush up your underwater skills and answer any questions you have. Divers who complete both the online knowledge review and in-water skill refresher receive a replacement certification card with a ReActivated date on it.

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