Sharanya Iyer smiling for the camera before diving

Sharanya Iyer

Social Media Expert, Ocean Protector


On the internet, Sharanya is known as “TrulyNomadly”, a solo traveler and backpacker who loves to explore, experience, and document offbeat countries and lesser-known places and people to break mass media perceptions around them. This quest led her to get closer to the Ocean, which occupies over 70% of the world but is often misunderstood or ignored, especially in her home country, India. A Rescue Diver and Freediver, Sharanya uses her social media platforms to talk about shark conservation, plastic pollution and the importance of exploring the underwater world to build a personal connection with the environments we need to protect. She also hosts group trips to get more Indians certified to dive.


Mumbai, Maharashtra
"My goal is to get more Indians into the water so they can each be ambassadors for Ocean Conservation in their spheres of influence."

Career Highlights

  • Featured in Forbes India's Top 100 Digital Stars 2022
  • GoPro India Ambassador
  • Rescue Diver (2021) and Freediver (2021)

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