Technical Diving Courses

Discover Technical Diving
Deze korte ervaring is bedoeld om duikers kennis te laten maken met technische basis duikvaardigheden en -procedures in beschut water. Discover Tec kan meetellen voor de Tec Basics- en Tec 40-cursussen.
Tec 40 and Tec 40 Trimix
Tec 45 en Tec 45 Trimix
Vergroot je dieptelimiet naar 45 meter/150 voet. Leer hoe je meerdere decompressieduiken plant en uitvoert met het gebruik van een enkele stage/decompressiecilinder.
Tec 50 en Tec 50 Trimix
Maak diepere duiken tot 50 meter/165 voet. Leer hoe je duiken maakt met meerdere decompressiestops, terwijl je gebruik maakt van twee decompressie gassen.
Tec Sidemount
Help mee om te voldoen aan de vraag naar gekwalificeerde gasblenders. Als Tec Gas Blender Instructor begrijpt u de verschillen tussen gassen en kunt u kritische informatie aan anderen uitleggen.
Tec Sidemount Instructor
Als Tec Sidemount Instructor kun je de voordelen van sidemountduiken aan tecduikers uitleggen of duikers kennis laten maken met tecduiken met de Tec Sidemount Diver-cursus.



Tec Card


PADI TecRec courses set the bar for technical and rebreather diver training. These courses provide a strong foundation and result in divers who are both confident and competent. TecRec Courses will greatly expand your diving knowledge and skills, and PADI TecRec courses are designed to offer comprehensive and realistic training that is both robust and industry proven. 

As a technical diver you will learn how to manage the risks associated with diving beyond the limits of recreational diving.









More Information

Tec diving and rebreather questions, answered

Do I have to invest in all new equipment to start tec diving?

In most cases, recreational scuba masks, wet suits, dry suits and fins can often be used for tec diving. However, tec diving is its own activity with its own requirements, so for open circuit tec diving you'll usually need two new dive computers that can accommodate mixed gases and staged decompression, more regulators and a tec BCD. For closed circuit diving you'll need a rebreather, which usually has its own BCD and integrated computers. If you like scuba equipment, you’ll love tec diving!

Is technical and rebreather diving safe?

Going deeper and staying underwater longer does increase risk – the potential to be seriously injured is higher. Understandably, this is why technical diving isn’t for everyone. However, with proper training, you learn to manage and reduce these associated risks to a level most people consider reasonable. But, the risk is nonetheless higher than in mainstream recreational diving. 

How do I find a dive shop that offers technical/rebreather diving?

Visit PADI’s dive shop locator and set the Filter to TecRec Centers, or simply click on this link to start your search.

What can Tec instructors teach?

Tec 40 Instructor

  • Tec 40 instructors can teach Tec 40 Diver, Discover Tec, and Tec Basics

Tec 45 Instructor

  •  Tec 45 instructors can teach Tec Basics, Tec 40, Tec 45, and Discover Tec

Tec 50 Instructor

  • Tec 50 Instructors can teach Tec Basics, Tec 40, Tec 45, Tec 50 Diver, and Discover Tec

Tec Trimix Instructor

  • Can teach Tec 65, and Tec Trimix Diver

Tec Sidemount Instructor

  • Can teach Recreational and Technical Sidemount Diver.

Rebreather/Advanced Rebreather Instructor (unit dependent)

  • Can teach Rebreather Diver and Advanced Rebreather Diver.

Tec CCR Instructor (unit dependent)

  • Tec 40 CCR Instructor
    • Can teach Tec 40 CCR Diver.
  • Tec 60 CCR Instructor
    • Can teach Tec 60 CCR Diver.
  • Tec 100 CCR Instructor
    • Can teach Tec 100 CCR Diver.




Keep Reading

Learn more about technical diving with tips and stories from our divers.

Top 10 Tec Dives Card
Technical Diving: The 10 Best Dive Sites in the World

Some of the best dive sites in the world are off-limits to recreational divers

Rebreather Card
Top 4 Reasons to Try Rebreather Diving

Rebreather divers enjoy longer dive times and closer animal encounters

Sidemount Diver Card
Get Streamlined with PADI Sidemount Diver

Learn about the many benefits of sidemount diving