The Farne Islands are home to thousands of grey seals and each autumn hundreds of pups are born here. Diving in the temperate waters around this island you'll get a chance to get up close and personal with these creatures!
Blue Ventures is an award-winning marine conservation charity with over 18 years experience rebuilding marine ecosystems and running community conservation-focused diving expeditions that blend adventure with science.
We're excited to launch Saltwater Britain, a series of UK-focused diving, snorkeling and conservation trips that offer breathtaking marine experiences whilst giving you the chance to participate in ocean conservation in the UK. You will learn skills that will help you become guardians of our seas and 100% of the profits we make will support Blue Ventures conservation programmes that are both critical and urgent.
From seagrass restoration and dives against debris to cetacean surveying and UK shark research we'll be showcasing the best of British marine wildlife and connecting you with the scientists and conservationists making a difference to our oceans.
When the pandemic allows, we are looking forward to re-opening our international expeditions in Madagascar, Timor-Leste, Belize and more!
Date and Time
Not available
Fifth Point Diving Center
Minimum Certification
Open Water Certification required
Marine Species, Marine Debris