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Replace or update your card, buy a Special Edition or Project AWARE® version of your PADI certification card, or go digital with the purchase of a PADI eCard™.
想结识新朋友、寻求冒险并拯救海洋吗? PADI Club 是世界上最大的海洋爱好者社区,一起探索水下世界。即使您无法下水,也可以保持联系。
通过独家活动邀请、聚会和 Scuba Diving® 杂志了解最新的潜水、旅行和水下探险信息。
享受精选在线 PADI eLearning 项目和潜水专长 20% 折扣、免费 ReActivate® 水肺复习课程、免费和折扣认证卡、品牌合作伙伴折扣等!
每位俱乐部会员中有5%通过PADI AWARE 基金会™ 支持全球海洋保护和海洋动物保护。
“What keeps me coming back is the overall commitment to excellence and the value that PADI Club continues to bring to the dive community through inclusion, training, interactive activities, quality programs and programming that elevates the diving experience all around. When you feel engaged in community, you become part of the community, and you also want to share that with other people.”
Angela G. Club Member
“I have also enjoyed the dive magazine with a wealth of articles, places to visit, and pictures. As an avid diver and UW photographer, I have enjoyed the pictures, techniques, and tips shared in the articles. I have seen how the advice has helped me to become a better photographer as well as a more conscious diver.“
“While I haven’t had the opportunity to dive the past couple years, I have stayed with PADI Club to not only stay connected with the world of scuba diving, but as someone who has always felt drawn to the ocean and cares about ocean conservation, it is the best way to stay informed about the work being done to protect our oceans.”
10 种数字杂志版本,并可访问英语、法语、德语和西班牙语的完整数字图书馆。
每个 PADI 俱乐部会员的 5% 都会捐赠给 PADI AWARE 基金会,用于全球海洋保护。