Freediving Courses

Квалификация Freediver Instructor
Превратите свое увлечение фридайвингом в профессию. Этот инструкторский курс предназначен для заядлых фридайверов, которые проводят много времени, думая о фридайвинге и делясь подробностями своих недавних приключений.
Advanced Freediver Instructor
Инструкторы уровня PADI Freediver Instructor или инструкторы по фридайвингу из других организаций, имеющие опыт преподавания, могут претендовать на получение квалификации PADI Advanced Freediver Instructor.



Freediver Topside Hero


PADI’s freediving courses were developed with input from industry leaders and champion freedivers. Study at your own pace and work with an experienced instructor to put what you’ve learned into practice. No prior experience with snorkeling, skin diving or freediving is required to get started. The PADI Freediver Program is the only freedive training program approved for college credit recommendations.



More Information

Answers to the most common questions about learning to freedive


If I can’t hold my breath for a long time, does that mean I can’t freedive?

This is one of the most common misconceptions about freediving. With proper training, you will learn breath-hold techniques that will likely result in you being pleasantly surprised by how long you can hold your breath.

Do I need to know how to swim?

While you don’t need to be an Olympic swimmer to take the course, it is important that you feel confident in the water. To become a PADI Freediver you will need to be able to swim 200 metres/yards. This swim will be untimed and can be completed using any stroke, so you can take your time.

What equipment do I need to freedive?

Freediving only requires a few items: a mask, snorkel, fins, weight belt (sometimes) and a wetsuit (depending on your location). Read up on this helpful guide to freediving equipment for beginners.

Where can I enroll in a freediving course?

Contact your local PADI Dive Shop, or review this list of PADI Freediver Centers.



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Number three is defy science