Enjoy 20% OFF select PADI eLearning® programs, FREE ReActivate® online refresher, subscription to Scuba Diving magazine + so much more when you join PADI Club™.
Book your fun dives, snorkelling trips and courses online with thousands of PADI Dive Centers.
Replace or update your card, buy a Special Edition or Project AWARE® version of your PADI certification card, or go digital with the purchase of a PADI eCard™.
Want to meet new buddies, seek adventure and save the ocean? PADI Club is the world’s largest ocean-loving community exploring the underwater world together. Stay connected, even when you can’t get in the water.
Find inspiration for your next adventure with benefits for every ocean enthusiast
“What keeps me coming back is the overall commitment to excellence and the value that PADI Club continues to bring to the dive community through inclusion, training, interactive activities, quality programs and programming that elevates the diving experience all around. When you feel engaged in community, you become part of the community, and you also want to share that with other people.”
Angela G. Club Member
“I have also enjoyed the dive magazine with a wealth of articles, places to visit, and pictures. As an avid diver and UW photographer, I have enjoyed the pictures, techniques, and tips shared in the articles. I have seen how the advice has helped me to become a better photographer as well as a more conscious diver.“
“While I haven’t had the opportunity to dive the past couple years, I have stayed with PADI Club to not only stay connected with the world of scuba diving, but as someone who has always felt drawn to the ocean and cares about ocean conservation, it is the best way to stay informed about the work being done to protect our oceans.”
Connect with like-minded individuals and discover all the amazing blue planet has to offer.
Your Club membership includes an annual subscription to Scuba Diving, your ultimate resource for travel inspiration, expert scuba gear reviews, dive training tips, stunning photography and inspiring stories.
10 digital magazine issues and access to a full digital library in English, French, German and Spanish.
Print issues for US Club members.
5% of every PADI Club membership is donated to PADI AWARE Foundation for global ocean conservation.