
Katt Andryskova

"Ocean Pancake aims to empower ocean lovers and activists to create positive change through individual choices."


Katt Andryskova is a science educator, PADI Scuba Instructor, freediver and marine photographer living and diving the Great Barrier Reef. Her first breath underwater at age 12 was the catalyst for her mission to protect the future of our blue planet. Our ocean needs all of us, so through science communication and sharing the underwater wonder with other marine warriors, the Ocean Pancake Podcast was conceived. Traveling and teaching in Cambodia, Comoros and Australia taught Kat about our oceans’ biggest threats and how working together is our best chance to save them. On the benefits of diving, Kat says, “Since I began freediving regularly in 2015, it has truly been an intrinsic part of my mental health care. If I don't get out to dive in the ocean, I still aim for swims in the pool as moving my body and quieting my mind has been indispensable.”



Career Highlights

  • 2.4 million views on Ocean Conservation Youtube Channel
  • Organizing beach cleanup programs in the Comoros, Cambodia and Australia
  • PADI Instructor for 11 years in 3 countries
  • Interviewing over 70 marine experts on the Ocean Pancake Podcast
  • Featured in the Sustainability and Climate Program by YouTube

See more of Katt Andryskova

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