Tarzan-Diving, scuba dive center on Gam Island is located in the heart of Raja Ampat, West Papua Indonesia. Raja Ampat is an archipelago in the middle of the "Coral Triangle". Four main islands surrounded by more than 1500 small islands. At this point the Indian Ocean meets the Pacific Ocean and creates one of the most biodiverse places on earth. The underwater world contains more than 600.000 species of coral and more than 1700 species of reef fish. This remote area
with it´s beauty above and under water is absolutely breathtaking for nature lovers, snorkelers and scuba divers. Scuba diving in Raja Ampat is very special and has pretty much everything that makes a diver´s heart happier, from very tiny species like the pypmy seahorses to the giant oceanic manta ray with a range of up to 8 meters. Tarzan-Diving offers scuba diving and Padi scuba dive courses. To get more of the beauty of Raja Ampat we offer adventure trips, to combine stunning sights like the viewpoint of Piaynemo. Tarzan-Diving is a good alternative to dive Raja Ampat on budget compared to expensive resorts and liveaboards.
PADI Scuba Diving, PADI First Aid - EFR
English, German, Indonesian
Scuba equipment rental
Waterfront location, House reef, Dive boat, Other
1 PADI Instructor