Belize Island Divers is the premier scuba dive operation in Belize offering unparalleled diving and adventure tour packages to you and your friends. Our goal is to provide you with an experience that is truly unforgettable and that will bond you with us as trusted friends for life. Once you have experienced the magic of diving and touring with Belize Island Divers, you will feel as if you have known us forever and will never want to leave!
PADI Scuba Diving, PADI Snorkelling
English, Spanish
Equipment Sales, Scuba equipment rental, Freediving equipment rental
Adaptive equipment, Accessible trips and activities, Accessible boat diving
Waterfront location, Dive boat
1 PADI Instructor
Compass, Wetsuit – shorty, Mask & Snorkel, Open-heel fins, Full-foot fins, Wetsuit – 3mm, Children sizes, Flashlight, Regulator, Dive Computer, Gauges, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders
Regulators, Dive Computers
Bank / Debit Card, VISA, Mastercard, Cash (local currency)