PADI AWARE Specialty


About the Course

Make a difference for yourself and others by learning and applying tips to save the ocean. The PADI AWARE Specialty course equips you with tangible actions and opportunities to bring about positive ocean change.

Supported by PADI eLearning®, this course dismantles the barriers between diving and conservation, making responsible marine conservation accessible to all.

A portion of the proceeds from every PADI AWARE Foundation™ course funds AWARE’s critical conservation work to remove marine debris, secure protection for sharks & rays, expand marine protected areas, and support local grantees.

What You'll Learn

Understand and recognize the key ocean threats
Take responsible underwater images and build a conservation-focused media presence
Engage in conservation action for global impact
Become an Eco-Tourist

Certification Requirements


Any age, any diving experience level (including none), and any person anywhere, can take this course. You can even get credit from the convenience of home via two-way video conference learning!


PADI eLearning: 1-2 hours Entire course: 1-3 hours


No minimum age



How to Earn Your PADI AWARE Specialty Certification

During the self-study eLearning portion of this course, you’ll learn the 10 Tips to Save the Ocean and how to make a positive impact for the underwater world. Next, turn your passion into purpose by completing the 10 Tips Workshops with a highly trained PADI Professional. You can go to your local dive center and complete the workshops there, or opt for a fully virtual experience via two-way video online learning with participating dive centers/PADI Pros to complete your PADI AWARE Specialty Certification.

Step 1

PADI eLearning

The PADI eLearning option makes it easy to fit your ocean conservation coursework into your busy schedule. Complete the independent study section of your course whenever, wherever it's convenient for you.

Work at your own pace, online or offline, using a computer or mobile device, then connect with your instructor for the 10 Tips Workshop.

  • eLearning time commitment: 1-2 hours

    Step 2

    With Your Instructor

    ADDITIONAL COST: Your Dive Shop will charge fees for training and gear rental.

    You can plan and review your take action workshops and the 10 Tips to Save the Ocean. By following these guidelines, you’ll learn how to: be Ocean AWARE, to respect marine wildlife, become an Eco-Tourist, engage in responsible imagery to inspire others, and become an ocean steward to ensure its health and vitality for future generations.

    • Total time commitment: 1-3 hours

      Frequently asked questions

      The PADI Difference

      For over 50 years, PADI has undeniably been the Way the World Learns to Dive®, setting the standard for the highest quality dive training, underwater safety and conservation initiatives while evolving the sport of diving into a passionate lifestyle.


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