Discover Scuba Diving

About the Course

Want to find out what scuba diving is like before deciding to get your PADI Open Water Diver scuba diving certification? During a Discover Scuba® Diving experience, you can try scuba diving for the first time in a pool or calm water environment.

A highly-trained PADI® Professional will provide scuba gear, explain basic scuba diving skills and answer any questions you may have.

Try Scuba Diving

If you’re interested in scuba diving, but unsure if you want to enroll in a scuba certification class, Discover Scuba Diving is the perfect way to test the waters. In a very short time, you’ll learn basic scuba skills and take your first breaths underwater.

Step 1

PADI eLearning

Prepare for your Discover Scuba Diving experience with PADI DSD eLearning™. Use your computer or mobile device to learn diving safety fundamentals before you get in the water. Contact a PADI Dive Shop or PADI Professional for access to DSD eLearning and to schedule your first scuba diving experience.

  • eLearning time commitment: 20-30 mins

    Step 2

    With Your Instructor

    A PADI Professional will fit you with scuba gear and explain how to use it. In a pool or calm water environment, you'll practice basic diving skills followed by free time to play underwater or go on a guided open water dive.

    • Prerequisites: None
    • Total time commitment: 2-3 hours
    • Minimum age: 10

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